So, tomorrow's the big day. Well, technically today since it's 1:00. I can't write that much because I'm SUPPOSED to be sleeping since I have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn to get ready.
But, like I said, tomorrow's the big day. The day I go off to college.
Shew, am I nervous. Like, I'm not butterfly nervous, I'm just unsure of what's going to happen. And that just bothers me to the point where I'm ansy and don't know how to act. It's very unlike me. Usually I'm the cool collected person. (Unless I'm around Wes.) It's scaring the crap out of me going into something new like this. I'm extremely excited. I've been wanting to experience something new like this for I don't know how long. It's just...I'm scared. I'm honestly scared. I'm a very dependent person and this is going to pretty much make me grow out of that. And that's something I'm not really looking forward to. I'm not looking forward to doing everything for myself and doing everything on my own. I always like to have at least one person on my side just in case. It's a comfort thing for me. My biggest fear is to be alone in a crowd. And that's exactly what's going to happen when my parents leave me there. :(
I just really really want to grow from this. I just don't want to go through the process. Aha.
I don't know. I'm babbling.
They have a whole itinerary full of things we're supposed to be doing. Hopefully I make at least a few friends that I can share everything. It's going to be extremely weird making new friends out of strangers. That's not something I'm good at since I don't normally do it. Shew. I need to go to bed.
I love Wesley. <3
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