I’m really relaxed right now. I’m really liking how things are finally looking up. I’m heading back to Montreat tomorrow and I’m excited. I’m excited to see all my friends again. Excited to finally be able to do something. I’m excited to stuff my small brain with some more information. Plus, I like the freedom I have there. In Morganton I feel trapped. Physically and emotionally. I swear if it wasn’t for Wes, I’d probably never come back here. I love hanging out with him.
I found some old CDs in Chris’ room while I was looking for… something. I don’t remember. I guess I got sidetracked. Anyways, I’m listening to them right now and they’re making me really happy. That’s highly unusual because most of the time when I hear old songs they trigger a memory that makes me miss it so much, I wish I was there and I get sad. Instead… this time… I’m happy. I’m happy I got to experience that and that there’s more experiences in the future. I don’t know, I guess I’m just full of life today. The sun’s shining, it’s warmer but still crisp outside. Good music’s playing. No worries. No stress. Me and Madii are friends again. (super happy about that one on numerous levels) I’m just feeling really good. I think I’m finally finding ways to be happy and recovering. :)
Hope this lasts.
Just a really good day. Really, really good day.