Friday, September 4, 2009

Why do I always look better in pictures?

What a conundrum.

So, it's been a while since I've been on here. It's been a while since I've actually had enough free time to write. Well, I still don't have free time. There are plenty of things that would be more beneficial for me to do but... it's Friday. Screw it. Am I right guys? (Aha. Inside joke.)
I'm not going to sit here and catch up on what you've missed. Mostly because it would take too long and it's this isn't for you, it's for me. It's healthy to just write sometimes.

Well, the campus has something like 40-something cases of swine flu. Awesome. Just plain ole' awesome.
This thing actually has got me so worried, I had a nightmare about it. Strangely enough, it only had the people at Montreat in it. AND my friend Katy had a similar dream. Is this foreshadowing something? I sure as hell hope not.

So college life is pretty f-ing dandy. I'm loving it. I love the freedom, the campus, the teachers, most of the people, etc.